Home Group Exercise Cardio/Strength


Our bodies are made to move. Moving increases blood flow to our muscles, strengthens our heart and lungs, and teaches our heart to work more efficiently. We offer a wide variety of cardiovascular and muscle strengthening classes, including the popular LES MILLS™ fitness classes. Take a class and leave more energized, confident and inspired.

Tai Chi

A series of movements performed in a slow, focused manner and accompanied by deep breathing. This ancient form of martial arts improves balance, agility, strength, and coordination.

Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga takes Gentle Yoga and adds a beautiful focus on posture and breathing techniques, traditionally to channel vital energy source.

Yoga Sculpt

Yoga poses with light weights will sculpt and tone your body, boost metabolism, and increase strength.

Restorative Yoga

Slow-paced and prop-supported poses to relax you and relieve chronic stress, weakness, and fatigue.

Gentle Yoga

Energetic and dynamic vinyasa flows to build internal heat and improve stamina, strength, and flexibility.

Body Balance
Les Mills Bodybalance™

Let the music center and calm you in this yoga, t’ai chi, and Pilates workout.

Yin Yoga

Work deep within your connective tissue to improve joint mobility and relieve stress while holding poses for longer periods.

Vinyasa Flow
Vinyasa Flow

Gain strength, flexibility, balance, and range of motion in poses synchronized to breath. For all skill levels.

Mat Pilates
Mat Pilates

Increase body awareness, good posture, strength, flexibility, and agility through an innovative system of mind/body exercises based on the principles of Joseph Pilates.

Download The Mobile App

This app for members: Personalized dashboards, exercise tracking, and diet assistant.

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