Find yourself crossing the Alps or simply tooling around the neighborhood in one of our many spin classes. Our Spin Studio features Keiser bikes with micro-adjusting handlebars and seat posts for a truly comfortable ride while you work out to inspiring tunes and vivid visuals.

Assessments image

Ready to register for swim lessons but not sure which class is right for your child? Let us assess your child’s level before you choose a class.

Private Swim Lessons

Our private swim lessons offer one-on-one instruction for all ages and experience levels.

Stroke School
Stroke School

Stroke School is for the junior swimmer who has completed Green Shark or meets the skills requirement. Colorful rocker patches are awarded for each level of stroke achievement.

Sea Animals
Sea Animal Levels

Sea Animal Levels group according to your child’s swim ability. Junior swimmers enjoy an innovative curriculum based upon water and safety skill benchmarks and fun.

StarBabies Img

StarBabies swim lessons provide an early introduction to swimming for ages 6 – 36 months. Swimmers who are incontinent or not fully toilet trained must wear Villa Sport-approved…

Have you scheduled a class for cycle?
Download The Mobile App

This app for members: Personalized dashboards, exercise tracking, and diet assistant.

Mobile Register
register on the desktop app
Desktop Register